Software Engineering Contractor, Fanatics Live (May 2023 - Present)
- Implemented live video streaming with AWS Interactive Video Service (IVS) and saving video-on-demand content in HLS format in AWS S3.
- Leveraged AWS Elemental MediaConvert to create video content from multiple sources in both HLS and MP4 formats
- Developed an onboarding experience, with Phoenix LiveView, for new users who would be live streamers on the platform.
- Added support to GraphQL API written in Absinthe to support new queries, mutations and subscriptions for a variety of features.
Score Media and Gaming
Technical Lead, Promotions (January 2021 - May 2023)
- Lead a team of 10 software engineers with responsibilities including onboarding, mentorship, and management.
- Managed the full development life-cycle, planning through delivery, for a new set of services that grant Awards to patrons based upon a dynamic rules engine which aggregates data from numerous internal services.
- Architected and build an event-based service using Kafka to connect with 6 back-end services.
- Authored extensive library of internal documentation of the Promotions service and expectations for team members.
Software Developer, Identity & Payments (August 2019 - December 2020)
- Served as Interim Team Lead for the Payments team for 6 months at the request of the CTO.
- Developed libraries to communicate with 4 third-party payment providers to enable secure financial transactions.
- Created several gRPC APIs for internal service communication.
- Coordinated with iOS and Android stakeholders to create a GraphQL API, written in Elixir’s Absinthe framework.
- Generated web interfaces written in Elixir & Phoenix’s LiveView library for administration and troubleshooting.
Lighthouse Labs
Web Development Student Mentor (July 2019 - February 2020)
- Provided technical and career advice to a group of 60-75 students weekly.
- Assisted in training of Ruby, Javascript and web fundamentals for approximately 15-20 hours per month.
Software Engineer, Growth (January 2019 - June 2019)
- Developed the team’s first React.js application, an on-boarding tutorial to the product for newly signed-up accounts.
- Developed systems to enable new subscription-based pricing plans to empower new sales and marketing strategies.
- Implemented growth test strategies and set up third-party tracking integrations for evaluating results of experiments.
Software Engineer, Core Product Team (December 2015 - December 2018)
- Worked on the design and expansion of the cloud infrastructure in AWS using an “infrastructure as code” approach.
- Wrote several hundred system integration tests as part of an independent quality assurance test automation suite.
- Implemented back-end features such as rolling rate-limits for bulk downloading data and trial data limits.
- Rebuilt front-end application of the customer facing website, including the primary product pages, the guest and authenticated versions of the home page, various marketing pages, the pricing pages and checkout pages.